Our database contains values of serial numbers through 566,000 which ended the year 1950. Serials did not strictly run sequentially. Therefore, dates may be a year different, especially near the "boundaries". Enter the serial number (leave out the "," or ".") of your Savage 1895/1899/99 in the box below:
American Rifleman (July, 1980; page 28) contains a very different set of dates for serial numbers through 193000. Enter the serial number (leave out the "," or ".") of your Savage 1895/1899 in the box below:
savage model 99f serial number lookup
Shortly thereafter a colored man named Edward Morris came out of an East Fifth Street cafe and approached the taxicab. He leaned into the taxicab and sold defendant two cigarettes containing marijuana for the sum of $5.00. Subsequently defendant was arrested and there was found in his pocket a marijuana cigarette. Edward Morris who was not a police officer was also arrested and in his possession were found two five-dollar bills from which the police officers had made notation of the serial numbers. They had earlier in the evening delivered them to a police informer in Harry's Cafe located on South Main Street.
Dafna: [2:48] The detainee at the center of this case is a Yemeni. He's 31 years old now. He was about 21 when he was first detained. So he's been in Guantanamo really for almost the last decade. He was one of the very first detainees to arrive there, in fact. Detainees have serial numbers that they are issued upon arrival. He's number 27, so he is really one of the earliest of the men to arrive at Guantanamo. [3:17] It's hard for people to remember how long the story has really been going on. This detainee was arrested in a town in Pakistan, not in Afghanistan, in Parachinar, Pakistan. 2ff7e9595c